Established and running since 2015. Skipz Productions cic is a non for profit organisation which provides performing arts and art clubs and classes to children aged 4 years to 18 years old.
Our clubs are based after school and are taught in a variety of subject areas such as drama, dance, singing, musical theatre, rhyming and poetry, yoga, art and so much more.
We exist because there is currently no performing arts education in the national curriculum therefore we would like to fill in the gap and work with schools to provide these classes for children as well as allowing children to experience theatre through our educational plays and be a part of our theatre plays and talent shows through our “Youth Theatre Group” on Sundays.
Furthermore we make the classes accessible to children and young people focusing on those who come from socially deprived and poorer backgrounds as research has shown that students from high social groups benefit from performing arts while children from middles or lower groups miss out due to costs being a barrier (The Sutton Trust, 2016).
Due to COVID-19 we are not being able to deliver clubs face to face.
This has resulted in the children not being able access to our clubs and we have made a huge financial loss. The facilitators who deliver the clubs have also lost work. We have great partnerships with the schools we work with however there is a level of uncertainty as to when we will be back to teach clubs and also how many clubs will be running and how much children will be attending the clubs when we resume back to teaching.
This impacts on us financially and it will take some time to get back to how the clubs and how the Youth Theatre Group were being delivered before COVID-19.
The funding we had has now run out and we are kindly asking for your help to donate to our cause to keep us going in supporting the children and providing them with activities during this unprecedented time and try to recoup some of the losses we have had so we can be ready to go into full swing when we can.
The funds will be spent on supporting the running of the online classes for the next 6 months and planning our classes and education plays for delivery in the Schools in the Spring term 2020.